Strategic Investment Partner across Africa

Berkshire Africa Inc is a holding company that owns subsidiaries in various business sectors. The company’s principal operations are in Africa with the main focus in Agriculture and Manufacturing, Energy and Utilities, Infrastructure and Transport, Mining and Metals and Financial Services.








Over the past 70 years, we have made strategic investments across Africa, with a focus on key markets.

Our commitment to the region’s growth and development is evident through our substantial investments and successful ventures.

Berkshire Africa Inc recognizes the potential of the African continent and is committed to investing in its future.

The company has identified several key areas of opportunity in Sub-Saharan Africa, including infrastructure development, energy, agriculture, and financial services.

By leveraging its expertise and resources, Berkshire Africa Inc aims to create sustainable value for its shareholders while contributing to the economic growth and development of the region.

Our Strategic Vision

Berkshire Africa Inc. aspires to build a diversified African enterprise portfolio over a century.

It plans to invest in privately held African businesses, nurturing them into robust corporations.

Eventually, it aims to list these under its Delaware-based umbrella on the NYSE, showcasing its commitment to long-term value creation in Africa.

Our Investment Thesis

Our investment strategy focuses on acquiring established businesses with succession issues, preserving their legacies, and enhancing their resilience through multi-generational perspectives.

We blend tradition and innovation to ensure long-term relevance and success. Our patient stewardship aims to build enduring economic pillars.


The Industries We Focus On:

Berkshire Africa Inc recognizes the potential of the African continent and is committed to investing in its future. The company has identified several key areas of opportunity in Sub-Saharan Africa, including infrastructure development, energy, agriculture, and financial services.

By leveraging its expertise and resources, Berkshire Africa Inc aims to create sustainable value for its shareholders while contributing to the economic growth and development of the region.

Agriculture, Food, and Manufacturing

Agriculture is key in sub-Saharan Africa, contributing 14% to GDP and employing most rural residents.

Despite challenges like climate change and limited resources, smallholder farmers are essential in feeding the growing population.

Strengthening the sector can spur food manufacturing, investments in processing, packaging, and logistics, enhancing food security and reducing import dependence.

Energy and Utilities

Africa’s energy sector, despite its renewable energy potential, faces darkness after sunset.

However, there’s a shift towards utilizing the abundant solar and wind resources, notably in the Sahara and coastal nations.

Significant investments are driving projects including solar plants, wind farms, and hydroelectric stations, boosting economies and creating employment opportunities.

Infrastructure and Transport

Infrastructure is vital for Africa’s economic progress. Notable developments encompass port building in Kenya and Djibouti, expanding East African railways, and enhancing road networks.

The ICT sector demands strong broadband for e-commerce, telemedicine and online education. City transportation projects facilitate economic integration and trade in sub-Saharan regions.

Industrial Minerals

Africa houses vital untapped mineral resources like cobalt, manganese, platinum, and lithium, crucial for clean energy and electric vehicle batteries.

However, historical extractive practices hinder local economic benefits. With global demand rising, Africa’s role is central.

Establishing transparent, sustainable mining policies is essential to harness these resources responsibly.

Mining and Metals

Despite Africa’s significant mineral wealth, its mining industry faces challenges including conflict, environmental degradation, and inequality.

Nations such as the DRC and South Africa have experienced both prosperity and suffering due to this.

To ensure sustainable development, responsible practices like community development, environmental protection, and value addition must be prioritized over mere extraction, promoting local growth.

Financial Services

Africa’s urban skyline and financial sector witness transformative shifts, powered by mobile money, such as M-Pesa.

Digital banking gains ground, with fintech startups targeting specific needs like micro-financing and streamlined cross-border transactions.

This inclusive financial revolution aims to empower the unbanked, offering both opportunities and challenges for the continent’s potential growth.


Our Team

Berkshire Africa Inc stands as a beacon in the African market, not merely for its strategic positioning but predominantly due to the human capital that forms the backbone of its operations.

Berkshire Africa Inc stands as a beacon in the African market, not merely for its strategic positioning but predominantly due to the human capital that forms the backbone of its operations.

The team, a seasoned ensemble of professionals, brings on board an average of 20 years of work experience, a factor that has immensely contributed to the firm’s robust market standing.

Their expertise, spanning various critical industries, is not just extensive but is complemented by global exposure, ensuring a rich, diverse, and comprehensive approach to business solutions they provide on the continent.

The depth of experience the team holds is nothing short of a treasure trove for Berkshire Africa Inc, particularly in a market as nuanced and dynamic as Africa. Each member of the team has weathered multiple economic cycles, navigated through industry revolutions, and adapted to the technological advancements that have marked the past two decades.

This extensive experience translates into an unparalleled understanding of both market patterns and disruptions, enabling them to guide the firm with foresight, resilience, and adaptability that only comes from having thrived in various industry facets.